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Why Express Gratitude For Your Relationships?

Writer's picture: Dr. Dimeji AfolabiDr. Dimeji Afolabi

Most of us take for granted the dominant relationships in our lives.

We unconsciously take them for granted undermining their importance and relevance.

My role and intentions in this submission narrative is to help you change that mindset and attitude.

"Critical Is Your Attitude Of Gratitude In And For Your Relationships At Every Level" Dimeji Afolabi

Gratitude leads to appreciation and the lack of it brings about depreciation.

What you are grateful for, appreciate and what you are NOT grateful for deprecates.


You, try it out over a period of time, say over one year and you’ll be amazed the transformation in the quality of your life.

You don’t believe me?

Just give it a try.

He who is grateful with little receives more.

Have you ever heard of that saying before?

We are social beings and cannot thrive without engaging in one form of relationships or the other.

In fact social engagements and interactions influence our quality of life and longevity.

The quality of our lives is influenced by the quality of our social and spiritual interactions and engagements.

You have got to acknowledge, appreciate and treasure the critical essential relationships around your life’s existence and sustainability as you sojourn the journey of this life.

The more you do that on a consistent basis the better for you and them.

That is why you cannot take for granted the gifts of God around your life conveyed to you through your primary network of people God placed n your life for a purpose on purpose.

Be mindful to note and know that there is a purpose for everything in your life.

Listen, there is a purpose for every relationship God has allowed to come into your life at a time such as this, so don’t miss the very essence of it by not recognizing it and appropriating intentionally that purpose.

Many out of pride and ignorance have missed opportunities for their breakthroughs because of their pervasive emotional unconsciousness and egoistic tendencies.

They have misplaced VALUE for frivolities and loose the cutting edge for emotional intelligence and social engineering to their benefits.

For support and social influence -

You need such essential lifeline in sustainable cultivated relationships to survive and flourish in life.

There is no escaping this fact of life.

Cherish your relationships and value them.

Be intentional in preserving your productive relationships.

“If you're grateful for a relationship, even if it's not perfect, you will see it miraculously get even better”. Melody Beattie

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."

Being grateful for something empowers and improves it.

Gratitude heals a million hurt, and appreciation a million imperfections.

Be grateful for your wife

Appreciate your husband

Be grateful and proud of your parents.

Be grateful at every level of your life.

The greatest essence in the world weakens under the embrace of people who aren't grateful for its presence.

Appreciate and be thankful for what the universe has endowed you with to live a rewarding and empowering life.

If you aren’t grateful for what you already have, what makes you think you would be happy with more.

Appreciate the little things in life and always express gratitude towards others.

Do more of appreciation and gratitude than moaning and complaining and see your life transformed.

Don’t worry choose to be Happy.

You are blessed to be a blessing.

I am your friend and Encourager.

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