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Waiting For The Right People

Writer's picture: Dr. Dimeji AfolabiDr. Dimeji Afolabi

Waiting in itself is a process.

You can’t rush it but let it run it’s course.

"Successful people make the most of the best and the best of the worst". - Steve Keating #mindset

I am talking about those people God will send your way to hold your hands in partnership towards achieving your goals and dreams .

I refer to them as destiny helper.

We all have them if you are careful to notice and discernible.

There surely is someone there destined for you as your destiny helper.

We all need one ordained by God Himself.

Prayerful seek that person or people out.

Wait for that person and when they show up your God will confirm it to you by revelation and not by identifications in the natural physical realm.

When it comes to talking or taking advice from anyone regarding your dreams make sure you are talking or taking advice from the right source or person who is lead by the Holy Spirit of God.

If someone is trying to convince you to give up on your dreams, settle for less than what is in your heart, no matter how smart, talented, experienced, they are not for you. Don’t come into agreement with that limited vision.

Wait for the right person. JO

Your call is from God and not from Man and if you need further clarification God Himself will send you the right person for the clarification you require or the interpretation you desperately need.

Engage with God during this season through P.D.A-

•P -prayers

•D -document

•A- action

God is never limited to natural methods when it comes to provision in your life!

Your miracle is coming! Keep #Praying


Trust God, He Will Direct Your Steps..

May The Peace And Love Of God Be In Your Heart..Believe..🙏🏽

Thank GOD for the Holy Spirit who exposes us to our Destiny Helper and people that matters.

Be patient with God, He is never late or too late to answer your prayers for in due season it will manifest in His timing and not yours.

Wait for your season, wait gor your time.

Your time of waiting is your time for preparation and maturation.

Wait for the right destiny helper, be sure they would find you and when you do you will know them and they shall know you.

Don’t get despondent during the season of waiting but be responsible in understanding the season for what it is.

Let the process run itself, your people will definitely locate you.

Be patient in waiting. #waiting

Don’t worry choose to be Happy.

You are blessed to be a blessing.

I am your Encourager called to provide you with value content of encouragement to make you believe again and not give up.


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