No Limits except the one you set down for yourself.
Say to yourself Now-
No Limits.
Don’t be deceived.
Listen to this -
“There is no end to the heights you can reach nor the magic you can experience.
Like the stars in the Universe, your potential is infinite!”
"Your potential is endless.
You can achieve the greatest of things.
Never doubt what you can do and never let anyone make you doubt yourself."
Where You are today is NOT ALL that there is to you.
Your current situation is NOT a function of where you’ll be tomorrow if you choose to believe in yourself, not to give up and believe you are unlimited and unshakable.
There is no such thing as a hopeless situation.
Every single circumstance of your life can change!
“He who doesn’t want to face his challenges shall always face challenges!” Earnest Agyemang Yeboah- Writer- Teacher
Believe it, every thing is subject so change so is your life situation which are but for brief period.
Even Corona virus - COVI-19 is here just for a little while and it shall pass.
But you will not pass with it but live to outlive it and learn the lessons it came to offer and move forward.
“Every mistake is an opportunity to learn. You can see it as a valuable lesson or have a pity party”.
1. You haven’t tried everything yet.
2. You’re closer to success than you think.
3. If you don’t finish, someone else will.
4. Right before success there is a dark place.
5. If you give up - then what?
6. Past failure does not predict the future
“The number one secret for me is to work on myself.
The key is personal development.
I can’t change other people, but I can change me”, Kim Kiyosaki
“Every great leader will be tested by pain” TD Jakes
No limits for you except the ones you create for yourself.
No limit.
The creator of the Universe, your God is on your side.
If He is for you, who then can be against you?
I say to you No limits.
Now rejoice.
Don’t worry choose to be Happy.
You are blessed to be a blessing.
“Imagine getting to the end of your life with no regrets. Imagine reflecting back on all you did with the greatest feeling of satisfaction”.
I am your Encourager and friend The Barnabas of our Time.
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