Do you know who you are?
When you know who you are you will know what to do.
How I Became An Original.
Paul the Great Apostle found out who he was on the way to Damascus.
Through the thick and thin of Life.
Through the valleys and the mountain tops experiences.
A pathway towards to self discover.
A pathway to counting your blessings and moving on.
What are your valleys and mountain top experiences like?
What was your attitude during these seasons of your life.
You get to discover who you really are through the challenges of your life’s journey.
Through your life’s trials and errors, it is through the lessons of life that you learn as you progress and match through life, overcoming one obstacle or the other.
These are challenges that make you self discover who you truly are.
We see who you truly are when you are under severe pressure of life’s burdens and how you either react or respond to them.
Your life passage is built on the experiences and by lessons of failing and getting up and to try again.
There lies your school of life.
Get up and walk again.
Precious metals are perfected through pressure.
You are precious and yours will not be different.
Listen to this my friend-
“There was no one near to confuse me, so I was forced to become original”. Franz Joseph Haydn
Whatever you have given up on, whatever you have talked yourself out of, whatever you are convinced is not going to happen, those buried dreams need to be dug up.
They’re still alive.
Wake up and arise and shine again.
You are an original been carved out of a raw material and God the porter and watcher is watching over you to perfect His work on you.
So, don’t worry choose to be Happy.
You are blessed to be a blessing.
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